Royalty-free Stock Photos

Welcome to the edgypix picture library, where we offer royalty-free mountain landscape photos of England, Iceland, Switzerland & Morocco; images of flowers, trees & the atmosphere of the natural world; and pictures of buildings, shapes and landmarks in popular European cities. 'Royalty-Free' means there are no individual usage fees to pay regardless of repro size, position, print run, or even multiple use on your website. Our photos are intended for brochures, book jackets, CD sleeves, newsletters, websites, magazines, fliers, editorials...
Browse Pictures On-line

Thumbnails are conveniently displayed under a range of subject categories which can be located through the main Image Index. Or your subject keyword might be listed in the Key Keywords list. Or you can use the Search box for a full text search of captions and keywords. We regret that on-line purchasing is not possible at present, and apologise for the inconvenience – please contact us regarding the purchase of images, or use the Cart as normal which will now email us your selections.
Pictures of Venice, Vienna, London...

Our European city locations now include London, Venice, Vienna & Zürich. Like our views of the natural world, the City images aim to capture the character and feel of the local environment as well as (in some cases) showing some well-known landmarks. Ideal photos for editorial features. |
Photos of Autumn Leaves & Trees

Autumn 'The Fall' if you prefer! is a wonderful time of year, a riot of colour from greeny-gold to deep rich red. We have a solid base of Autumn pictures & will be adding more through 2007. And setting up new 'Photos of Trees' categories. We specialize in getting in close to patterns of colour and individual leaves and trees in the English woodland.
English Lake District Pictures

Walking in the beautiful English Lake District is rightly a popular activity for people of all ages. Their interests & abilities range from strollers to serious mountain people. Weather is as varied as you would ever want it to be, and the landscape changes in every season of the year. At edgypix we have a wide selection of pictures of the Lake District from the dramatic high fells to the calm of the lakes, overcast skies to brilliant sunshine, the fresh green of springtime to snows of winter.
Iceland : Atlas Mountains : Swiss Alps

Completing our 'pictures of the outdoors' theme we have photos of mountainous and/or remote locations in Iceland, Switzerland & Morocco that are ideal for trekking & general travel features, plus less location-specific use on CDs and book covers. They include photos of the High Atlas mountains of Morocco and their Berber villages, the wild and icy volcanic landscapes of Iceland, and trails and lush valleys in the Swiss Alps. |