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Colours are starting to turn, leaves are golden-green in autumn sunshine. Click an image for details, and to purchase.

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seau0205 alav105 alav104 seau0113 seau0107
Lilypads and a strong reflection of a cloudy blue sky in still water seau0108 seau0204 seau0201 seau0105
seau0202 Woodland on the shore of Derwentwater, from the Cat Bells ridge, in the English Lake District seau0111 seau0101 seau0104
alav106 View over a stone wall and field into late afternoon autumn sun over Buttermere, in the English Lake District al0217 al0218 The autumn leaves of a sapling growing on the rocky shore of Ullswater, in the English Lake District, set against the vivid blue reflection of the sky in the waters
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 Captioned images in this category [Seasons - early autumn]:
 flow0214Lilypads and a strong reflection of a cloudy blue sky in still water
 ld04723The autumn leaves of a sapling growing on the rocky shore of Ullswater, in the English Lake District, set against the vivid blue reflection of the sky in the waters
 ldm0322Woodland on the shore of Derwentwater, from the Cat Bells ridge, in the English Lake District
 ld05818View over a stone wall and field into late afternoon autumn sun over Buttermere, in the English Lake District