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Looking west from snow-covered Scafell Pike, in the English Lake District, in winter sun. Steam rising from Sellafield nuclear power station in the distance. Looking west from snow-covered Scafell Pike, in the English Lake District, in winter sun. Steam rising from Sellafield nuclear power station in the distance. Looking south-west into the winter sun from snow-covered Scafell Pike in the English Lake District Looking east from snow-covered Scafell Pike in the English Lake District, with two figures in red in low winter sunshine alav212
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 Captioned images under this keyword [seasons]:
 ld04115Looking east from snow-covered Scafell Pike in the English Lake District, with two figures in red in low winter sunshine
 ld04116Looking south-west into the winter sun from snow-covered Scafell Pike in the English Lake District
 ld04117Looking west from snow-covered Scafell Pike, in the English Lake District, in winter sun. Steam rising from Sellafield nuclear power station in the distance.
 ld04118Looking west from snow-covered Scafell Pike, in the English Lake District, in winter sun. Steam rising from Sellafield nuclear power station in the distance.