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An arrangement of brightly decorated Carnivale masks on sale in Venice, Italy, makes a colourful pattern chzh0314 chzh0313 chzh0303 chzh0302
Close up of rusty metal on a peeling green painted corrugated iron gate Derelict upturned old boat with foliage growing through a large hole in the hull, and faded peeling red paint Padlock and chain on old peeling red and white painted gates Ropes and tackle in a blue painted fishing boat on the shore at Aldeburgh, Suffolk, England The old Aldeburgh RNLI lifeboat on its carriage; Aldeburgh, Suffolk, England
White and red fishing boat on the shingle at Aldeburgh, Suffolk, England Orange floats in a blue painted fishing boat on the shore at Aldeburgh, Suffolk, England Lifebelt and oars in a blue painted fishing boat on the shore at Aldeburgh, Suffolk, England White fishing boats against a plain sky on the shingle at Aldeburgh, Suffolk, England Boats on the shingle on the Suffolk shore, the foreground boat in poor condition with peeling blue paint
Old white clinker-built fishing boat moored by the Suffolk shore under a leaden sky Fishing boat on the shingle at Aldeburgh, Suffolk, England Fishing boats on the shingle at Aldeburgh, Suffolk, England Fishing boat on the shingle at Aldeburgh, Suffolk, England Bow view of an old blue fishing boat with worn paint in heavy shadow against a clear blue sky
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 Captioned images under this keyword [painted]:
 boat0102Bow view of an old blue fishing boat with worn paint in heavy shadow against a clear blue sky
 boat0103Fishing boat on the shingle at Aldeburgh, Suffolk, England
 boat0104Fishing boats on the shingle at Aldeburgh, Suffolk, England
 boat0105Fishing boat on the shingle at Aldeburgh, Suffolk, England
 boat0106Old white clinker-built fishing boat moored by the Suffolk shore under a leaden sky
 boat0109Boats on the shingle on the Suffolk shore, the foreground boat in poor condition with peeling blue paint
 boat0112White fishing boats against a plain sky on the shingle at Aldeburgh, Suffolk, England
 boat0114Lifebelt and oars in a blue painted fishing boat on the shore at Aldeburgh, Suffolk, England
 boat0116Orange floats in a blue painted fishing boat on the shore at Aldeburgh, Suffolk, England
 boat0117White and red fishing boat on the shingle at Aldeburgh, Suffolk, England
 boat0118The old Aldeburgh RNLI lifeboat on its carriage; Aldeburgh, Suffolk, England
 boat0122Ropes and tackle in a blue painted fishing boat on the shore at Aldeburgh, Suffolk, England
 dere0101Padlock and chain on old peeling red and white painted gates
 dere0102Derelict upturned old boat with foliage growing through a large hole in the hull, and faded peeling red paint
 dere0103Close up of rusty metal on a peeling green painted corrugated iron gate