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The following pictures have the keyword "leaves", among others. Click a thumbnail for details, and to purchase.

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Looking up at greeny-gold oak leaves in autumn against a blue sky, in medium close-up Golden leaves in an English wood caught by autumn sun Looking up at the sunlit dome of St. Pauls Cathedral in London, England, through the silhouette of trees in the foreground Looking up at windows of City Hall, London, with branches of a tree in the foreground. Building designed by Foster and Partners, and home to the GLA. Dramatic shapes of City Hall, London, against the sky, with branches of a tree in the foreground. Building designed by Foster and Partners, and home to the GLA.
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alav201 alav124 alav118 Back-lit golden-yellow beech leaves in autumn alav116
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 Captioned images under this keyword [leaves]:
 alav117Back-lit golden-yellow beech leaves in autumn
 lond010039Dramatic shapes of City Hall, London, against the sky, with branches of a tree in the foreground. Building designed by Foster and Partners, and home to the GLA.
 lond010041Looking up at windows of City Hall, London, with branches of a tree in the foreground. Building designed by Foster and Partners, and home to the GLA.
 lond010131Looking up at the sunlit dome of St. Pauls Cathedral in London, England, through the silhouette of trees in the foreground
 tree020257Golden leaves in an English wood caught by autumn sun
 tree020307Looking up at greeny-gold oak leaves in autumn against a blue sky, in medium close-up