Keyword: "East Anglia"     21-25 of 25 images  [recent additions shown first]

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A few spectators watch a fisherman bring his boat ashore at Cromer, on the North Norfolk coast of England, on a sunny winter day. The sea and wet foreshore reflect the blue sky. Close-up of strongly defined rippled sand in low winter sun at low tide on the flat North Norfolk coast of England, with four people walking in the distance Panoramic image showing a fishing boat returning from sea on a flat calm waterway - a thin strip of land in the background - on the coast of Suffolk, England On the shingle at Dunwich, Suffolk, on the east coast of England People in silhouette walking on the shingle at Dunwich, Suffolk, on the east coast of England
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 Captioned images under this keyword [East Anglia]:
 ea00323People in silhouette walking on the shingle at Dunwich, Suffolk, on the east coast of England
 ea00324On the shingle at Dunwich, Suffolk, on the east coast of England
 ea00212Panoramic image showing a fishing boat returning from sea on a flat calm waterway - a thin strip of land in the background - on the coast of Suffolk, England
 ea00401Close-up of strongly defined rippled sand in low winter sun at low tide on the flat North Norfolk coast of England, with four people walking in the distance
 ea00416A few spectators watch a fisherman bring his boat ashore at Cromer, on the North Norfolk coast of England, on a sunny winter day. The sea and wet foreshore reflect the blue sky.