Keyword: "autumn"
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The following pictures have the keyword "autumn", among others. Click a thumbnail for details, and to purchase.
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Captioned images under this keyword [autumn]:
ld05308 Delicate autumn reflection of the English Lake District fells in the still surface of Crummock Water, near Buttermere
ld05310 Prominent rocks at the shore of Crummock Water, in the English Lake District, with a reflection of the distant fells in the background
ld05320 Morning autumn sun and reflection of a fence and rocks in the still surface of Buttermere lake, in the English Lake District, with Fleetwith Pike in the distance
ld05323 Morning autumn sun and reflection of a fence and rocks in the still surface of Buttermere lake, in the English Lake District, with Fleetwith Pike in the distance
ld05405 Looking into morning sun through the branches of a tree, and a reflection of the fells in the still surface of Buttermere lake, in the English Lake District
ld05709 Looking NW from Dale Head to Hindscarth, in the English Lake District, in autumn sunshine under a blue sky with light cloud, with the peak of Robinson in the distance
ld05803 Two Herdwick sheep - the unique breed of the English Lake District - grazing in the autumn evening sun on a hilside over Buttermere
ld05809 View from Buttermere Moss to Crummock Water, in the English Lake District, in strong autumn sunshine
ld05810 A lone Herdwick sheep grazing in autumn sunshine near Buttermere, in the English Lake District
ld05811 A lone Herdwick sheep grazing in autumn sunshine near Buttermere, in the English Lake District
tree020257 Golden leaves in an English wood caught by autumn sun
tree020259 Silver-grey tree trunks rising through lower foliage in autumn sunshine
tree020262 Dramatic view looking up at high treetops in warm autumn sun at the top of slender trunks in an English woodland
tree020264 Dramatic view to a blue sky looking straight up through high golden leaves at the top of tall trees in an English woodland in warm autumn sun
tree020271 Looking up a tall slender treetrunk to a golden canopy of autumn leaves
tree020272 Looking up a tall slender treetrunk to a golden canopy of autumn leaves
tree020286 A couple walks through a patch of autumn sunshine across a path in a spacious English wood
tree020288 Golden-orange leaves at the top of a slender silver grey tree trunk in an English woodland in autumn sunshine
tree020301 Golden-orange leaves at the top of a slender tree trunk in an English woodland in autumn sunshine
tree020313 An old tree and a broad canopy of autumn leaves over a clearing in an English woodland